Possessive Pronouns 3

Id: 83


​Possessive Pronouns 3

Possessive Pronouns (Mine)

Vocabulary Possessive Pronouns 3

  • gona: skirt
  • jaka: jacket
  • jertsea: sweater
  • prakak: trousers
  • soinekoa: dress
  • txanoa: hat
  • zapatak: shoes
  • zorroa: wallet

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gona skirt ['skirt1', 'skirt1', 'skirt1']
jaka jacket ['jacket1', 'jacket2', 'jacket3']
jertse sweater ['sweater1', 'sweater2', 'sweater3']
prakak trousers,pants ['trousers1', 'trousers2', 'trousers3']
soinekoa dress ['dress1', 'dress2', 'dress3']
txanoa hat ['hat1', 'hat2', 'hat3']
zapatak shoes ['shoes1', 'shoes2', 'shoes3']
zorroa wallet ['wallet1', 'wallet2', 'wallet3']


Noren jertse da?
Whose sweater is that?
Norenak gonak dira?
Whose skirts are those?
Gona luzeak nireak dira.
The long skirts are mine.
Zure jaka da?
Is it your jacket?
Nire jaka urdina da.
My jacket is blue.
Txoriaren jertsea da.
It is the bird's sweater.
It is the sweater of the bird.
Zaldiaren jertsea berdea da.
The horse's sweater is green.
The sweater of the horse is green.
Gure prakak dira.
They are our trousers.
Hontzaren prakak laburrak dira.
The owl's trousers are short.
Anitzaren soinekoa da.
It is Anitza's dress.
It is dress of Anitza.
Dortokaren soinekoa beltza da.
The turtle's dress is black.
The dress of the turtle is black.
Txanoak Anitzarenak dira.
The hats are Anitza's
Zapatak Mikelenak dira.
The shoes are Mikel’s.
Mikelen zapatak gorriak dira.
Mikel’s shoes are red.
The shoes of Mikel are red
Noren zorroa da?
Whose wallet is it?
Zure zorroa marroia da.
Your wallet is brown.
Txerriaren txanoa morea da.
The pig's hat is purple.
Oilaskoaren gona luzea da.
The chicken's skirt is long.
Norenak dira prakak?
Whose trousers are these?
Horiek dira bere prakak.
Those are his trousers.
Those are her trousers.
Zein txano dira bereak?
Which hats are his?
Which hats are hers?
Horiek dira bere txanoak.
Those are his hats.
Those are her hats.
Zein galtzerdi dira gureak?
Which socks are ours?
Galtzerdi laranjak gureak dira.
The orange socks are ours.
Noren zapatak dira horiek?
Whose shoes are those?
Horiek dira gure zapatak.
Those are our shoes.
Zein soineko dira zuenak?
Which dresses are yours(plural)?
Which dresses are yours?
TWhich dresses are you'alls?
Soineko moreak zuenak dira.
The purple dresses are yours(plural).
The purple dresses are yours.
The purple dresses are you'alls.


Mikel's ('Mikelen (male name)',)
Anitza's ('Anitzaren (female name)', 'Anitzarenak (female name)')
a ('-a',)
also ('ere',)
am ('naiz',)
an ('-ak',)
and ('eta',)
animal ('animalia',)
animals ('animaliak',)
are ('dira', 'gara', 'zara')
big ('handi',)
bird ('txoria',)
birds ('txoriak',)
bird's ('Txoriaren',)
black ('beltz',)
blue ('urdin',)
book ('liburu',)
books ('liburuak',)
boy ('mutil',)
boys ('mutilak',)
brown ('marroia',)
bus ('autobusa',)
but ('baina',)
car ('kotxea',)
cars ('kotxeak',)
cat ('katu',)
cats ('katuak',)
chicken ('oilasko',)
chickens ('oilaskoak',)
chicken's ('oilaskoaren',)
doctor ('medikua',)
dog ('txakur',)
dogs ('txakurrak',)
dress ('soineko',)
dresses ('soinekoak',)
driver ('gidaria',)
engineers ('ingeniariak',)
fast ('azkar',)
fat ('gizena',)
friends ('lagunak',)
girl ('neska',)
girls ('neskak',)
gray ('gris',)
green ('berde',)
hat ('txanoa',)
hats ('txanoak',)
he ('hura',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotels ('hotelak',)
his ('bere',)
hers ('bere',)
hau ('hau',)
horse ('zaldia',)
horses ('zaldiak',)
horse's ('zaldiaren',)
hura ('hura',)
I ('ni',)
is ('da',)
it ('hura',)
its ('bere',)
jacket ('jaka',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
look! ('begira!',)
long ('luzea',)
my ('nire',)
new ('berri',)
not ('ez',)
now ('orain',)
of ('de',)
old ('zahar',)
one ('bat',)
orange ('laranja',)
our ('gure',)
their ('haien',)
over ('amaitu',)
owl ('hontza',)
owls ('hontzak',)
hontzak ('owls',)
owl's ('hontzaren',)
pig's ('txerriaren',)
plural ('plurala',)
pretty ('polit',)
purple ('morea',)
purse ('poltsa',)
purses ('poltsak',)
red ('gorri', 'gorria', 'gorriak')
school ('eskola',)
she ('hura',)
shoes ('zapatak',)
short ('labur', 'laburrak')
skirt ('gona',)
skirts ('gonak',)
slow ('motel',)
small ('txiki',)
students ('ikasleak',)
sweater ('jertsea',)
tall ('altu',)
teacher ('irakaslea',)
teachers ('irakasleak',)
that ('hori', 'hura')
the ('-a',)
there ('hor',)
these ('hauek',)
they ('haiek',)
they ('haiek',)
thin ('argal',)
this ('hau',)
those ('haiek', 'horiek')
trousers ('prakak',)
turtle ('dortoka',)
turtles ('dortokak',)
turtle's ('dortokaren',)
ugly ('itsusi',)
wallet ('zorroa',)
was ('zen',)
what ('zer',)
we ('gu',)
white ('zuri',)
who ('nor',)
whose ('noren', 'norena', 'norenak')
yellow ('hori',)
Yes ('bai',)
young ('gazte',)
your ('zure', 'zuen')
you ('zu', 'zuek')
Mikelen ("Mikel's (male name)",)
Anitzaren ("Anitza's (female name)",)
Anitzarenak ("Anitza's (female name)",)
altua ('tall',)
animalia ('animal',)
animaliak ('animals',)
argala ('thin',)
autobus ('bus',)
autobusa ('bus',)
azkarra ('fast',)
bai ('Yes',)
bat ('one',)
baina ('but',)
begira! ('look!',)
beltz ('black',)
beltza ('black',)
berde ('green',)
berdea ('green',)
berdeak ('green',)
bere ('his/hers/its',)
berria ('new',)
da ('is',)
dira ('are',)
dortoka ('a turtle',)
dortokak ('turtles',)
dortokaren ("turtle's",)
ere ('also',)
eskola ('school',)
eta ('and',)
ez ('not',)
gara ('are',)
gaztea ('young',)
gidaria ('driver',)
gizen ('fat',)
gizena ('fat',)
gona ('skirt',)
gonak ('skirts',)
gorri ('red',)
gorria ('red',)
gorriak ('red',)
gris ('gray',)
grisa ('gray',)
grisak ('gray',)
gu ('we',)
gure ('our',)
haiek ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they')
haien ('their',)
handia ('big',)
hau ('this',)
hauek ('These, plural of hau',)
hontz ('owl',)
hontza ('owl',)
hontzak ('owls',)
hontzaren ("owl's",)
hori ('that', 'yellow')
horia ('yellow',)
horiak ('yellow',)
horiek ('Those, plural of hori',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotelak ('hotels',)
hura ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it')
ikasleak ('students',)
ingeniariak ('engineers',)
irakasle ('teacher',)
irakaslea ('teacher',)
irakasleak ('teachers',)
itsusia ('ugly',)
jaka ('jacket',)
jertse ('sweater',)
jertsea ('sweater',)
katu ('cat',)
katua ('a cat',)
katuak ('cats',)
kotxe ('car',)
kotxea ('car',)
kotxeak ('cars',)
laburra ('short',)
laburrak ('short',)
lagunak ('friends',)
laranja ('orange',)
laranjak ('orange',)
liburu ('book',)
liburua ('a book',)
liburuak ('books',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
luzea ('long',)
medikua ('doctor',)
morea ('purple',)
moreak ('purple',)
marroia ('brown',)
motela ('slow',)
mutila ('boy',)
mutilak ('boys',)
naiz ('am',)
neska ('girl',)
neskak ('girls',)
ni ('I',)
nire ('my',)
nor ('who',)
noren ('whose',)
norena ('whose',)
norenak ('whose',)
oilasko ('chicken',)
oilaskoa ('a chicken',)
oilaskoak ('chickens',)
oilaskoaren ("chicken's",)
orain ('now',)
polita ('pretty',)
poltsa ('purse',)
poltsak ('purses',)
prakak ('trousers',)
soineko ('dress',)
soinekoa ('dress',)
soinekoak ('dresses',)
txano ('hat',)
txanoa ('hat',)
txanoak ('hats',)
txakur ('dog',)
txakura ('a dog',)
txakurrak ('dogs',)
txerriaren ("pig's",)
txikia ('small',)
txoria ('bird',)
txoriak ('birds',)
txoriaren ("bird's",)
urdin ('blue',)
urdina ('blue',)
urdinak ('blue',)
uso ('pigeon',)
usoa ('a pigeon',)
usoak ('pigeons',)
zara ('are',)
zarete ('are',)
zahara ('old',)
zaharra ('old',)
zaldiak ('horses',)
zaldiaren ("horse's",)
zapatak ('shoes',)
zen ('was',)
zer ('what',)
zorroa ('wallet',)
zu ('you',)
zuek ('you',)
zuen ('your, plural',)
zure ('your',)
zuri ('white',)
zuria ('white',)
zuriak ('white',)