Id: 74


NOREN (Possessive Genitive) 4

Whose umbrella?

The NOREN (Possessive Genitive) Case

If you want to say that something belongs to the owner, you need to add the grammatical endings for single(-a) or plural(-ak).

  • LiburuA mutilarenA da.: The book is the boy's.
  • LiburuAK mutilenAK dira.: The books are the boys'.

Vocabulary NOREN (Possessive Genitive) Case 4

  • aterki: umbrella
  • kamiseta: shirt
  • arropak: clothes
  • berokia: coat
  • betaurrekoak: glasses
  • eraztuna: ring
  • eskularruak: gloves
  • galtzerdiak: socks
  • gerrikoa: belt

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aterki umbrella ['umbrella1', 'umbrella2', 'umbrella3']
alkondara shirt ['shirt1', 'shirt2', 'shirt3']
arropak clothes ['cloth2', 'cloth2', 'cloth2']
berokia coat ['coat1', 'coat2', 'coat3']
betaurrekoak glasses ['glasses1', 'glasses2', 'glasses3']
eraztuna ring ['ring1', 'ring2', 'ring3']
eskularruak gloves ['gloves1', 'gloves2', 'gloves3']
galtzerdiak socks ['socks1', 'socks2', 'socks3']
gerrikoa belt ['belt1', 'belt2', 'belt3']


Norenak dira aterkiak?
Whose are the umbrellas?
Whose umbrellas are they?
Aterkiak Anitzarenak dira.
The umbrellas are Anitza's.
Norena da alkandora?
Whose shirt is it?
Noren arropak dira horiek?
Whose clothes are those?
Noren betaurrekoak dira?
Whose glasses are they?
Horiek dira Mirenen betaurrekoak.
Those are Miren's glasses.
Norena da berokia?
Whose coat is it?
Hori da behiaren armarria.
That is the cow's coat.
Eraztuna txikia da, baina polita.
The ring is small, but pretty
Zure galtzerdiak laranjak eta berdeak dira.
Your socks are orange and green.
Gizonaren gerrikoa handia eta beltza da.
The man's belt is big and black.
Alkandorak eta galtzerdiak arropak dira.
Shirts and socks are clothes.
Apaizaren berokia laburra da.
The priest's coat is short.
A priest's coat is short.
Neskaren eskularruak urdinak dira.
The girl's gloves are blue.
The gloves of the girl are blue.
Nire galtzerdiak gorriak eta zuriak dira.
My socks are red and white.
Hori da dortokaren eraztuna.
That is the turtle’s ring.
That is the ring of the turtle.
Gerrikoak luzeak dira.
Belts are long.
Irakaslearen eskularruak beltzak dira.
The teacher’s gloves are black.
The gloves of the teacher are black.


Aitor’s ('Aitorren',)
Anitza's ('Anitzarenak (female name, plural object)',)
Arantxa’s ('Arantxaren',)
Jon’s ('Jonen',)
Josaba’s ('Josabaren',)
Miren’s ('Mirenen (female name)',)
Xabier’s ('Xabieren (male name)',)
Mikel’s ('Mikelenak (male name)',)
a ('-a',)
also ('ere',)
am ('naiz',)
an ('-ak',)
and ('eta',)
animal ('animalia',)
animals ('animaliak',)
are ('dira', 'gara', 'zara')
belt ('gerrikoa',)
big ('handi',)
bird ('txoria',)
birds ('txoriak',)
black ('beltz',)
blue ('urdin',)
book ('liburu',)
books ('liburuak',)
boy ('mutil',)
boys ('mutilak',)
bus ('autobusa',)
but ('baina',)
car ('kotxea',)
cars ('kotxeak',)
cat ('katu',)
cats ('katuak',)
chicken ('oilasko',)
chickens ('oilaskoak',)
clothes ('arropak',)
coat ('armarria',)
cow's ('behiaren',)
doctor ('medikua',)
dog ('txakur',)
dogs ('txakurrak',)
driver ('gidaria',)
engineers ('ingeniariak',)
fast ('azkar',)
fat ('gizena',)
friends ('lagunak',)
girl ('neska',)
girls ('neskak',)
girl's ('neskaren',)
glasses ('betaurrekoak',)
gloves ('eskularruak',)
gray ('gris',)
green ('berde',)
he ('hura',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotels ('hotelak',)
his ('bere',)
hers ('bere',)
hau ('hau',)
horses ('zaldiak',)
hura ('hura',)
I ('ni',)
is ('da',)
it ('hura',)
its ('bere',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
look! ('begira!',)
man's ('gizonaren',)
my ('nire',)
new ('berri',)
no ('ez',)
not ('ez',)
now ('orain',)
of ('de',)
old ('zahar',)
one ('bat',)
orange ('laranja',)
our ('gure',)
their ('haien',)
over ('amaitu',)
owl ('hontza',)
owls ('hontzak',)
plural ('plurala',)
pretty ('polit',)
priest's ('apaizaren',)
purple ('morea',)
purse ('poltsa',)
purses ('poltsak',)
red ('gorri',)
ring ('eraztun',)
school ('eskola',)
she ('hura',)
shirt ('alkandora',)
shirts ('alkandorak',)
short ('labur',)
slow ('motel',)
small ('txiki',)
socks ('galtzerdiak',)
students ('ikasleak',)
tall ('altu',)
teacher ('irakaslea',)
teachers ('irakasleak',)
that ('hori', 'hura')
the ('-a',)
there ('hor',)
these ('hauek',)
they ('haiek',)
they ('haiek',)
thin ('argal',)
this ('hau',)
those ('haiek', 'horiek')
turtle ('dortoka',)
turtles ('dortokak',)
turtle’s ('dortokaren',)
ugly ('itsusi',)
was ('zen',)
what ('zer',)
we ('gu',)
white ('zuri',)
who ('nor',)
yellow ('hori',)
Yes ('bai',)
young ('gazte',)
your ('zure', 'zuen')
you ('zu', 'zuek')
Aitorren ('Aitor’s',)
Anitzarenak ("Anitza's (female name, plural object)",)
Arantxaren ('Arantxa’s',)
Josabaren ('Josaba’s',)
Jonen ('Jon’s',)
Mirenen ('Miren’s (female name)',)
Xabieren ('Xabier’s (male name)',)
Mikelenak ('Mikel’s (male name)',)
alkandora ('shirt',)
alkandorak ('shirts',)
altua ('tall',)
animalia ('animal',)
animaliak ('animals',)
apaizaren ("priest's",)
argala ('thin',)
armarria ('coat',)
arropa ('clothes',)
arropak ('clothes',)
autobus ('bus',)
autobusa ('bus',)
azkarra ('fast',)
bai ('Yes',)
bat ('one',)
baina ('but',)
begira! ('look!',)
behiaren ("cow's",)
beltz ('black',)
beltza ('black',)
berde ('green',)
berdea ('green',)
berdeak ('green',)
bere ('his/hers/its',)
berria ('new',)
betaurrekoak ('glasses',)
da ('is',)
dira ('are',)
dortoka ('a turtle',)
dortokak ('turtles',)
dortokaren ('turtle’s',)
eraztun ('ring',)
eraztuna ('ring',)
ere ('also',)
eskola ('school',)
eskularruak ('gloves',)
eta ('and',)
ez ('not,no',)
galtzerdiak ('socks',)
gara ('are',)
gaztea ('young',)
gerriko ('belt',)
gerrikoa ('belt',)
gidaria ('driver',)
gizen ('fat',)
gizena ('fat',)
gizonaren ("man's",)
gorri ('red',)
gorria ('red',)
gris ('gray',)
grisa ('gray',)
grisak ('gray',)
gu ('we',)
gure ('our',)
haiek ('those over there, plural of hura', 'they')
haien ('their',)
handia ('big',)
hau ('this',)
hauek ('These, plural of hau',)
hontz ('owl',)
hontza ('owl',)
hontzak ('owls',)
hori ('that', 'yellow')
horia ('yellow',)
horiak ('yellow',)
horiek ('Those, plural of hori',)
hotel ('hotel',)
hotelak ('hotels',)
hura ('that over there', 'he', 'she', 'it')
ikasleak ('students',)
ingeniariak ('engineers',)
irakasle ('teacher',)
irakaslea ('teacher',)
irakasleak ('teachers',)
itsusia ('ugly',)
katu ('cat',)
katua ('a cat',)
katuak ('cats',)
kotxe ('car',)
kotxea ('car',)
kotxeak ('cars',)
laburra ('short',)
lagunak ('friends',)
laranja ('orange',)
laranjak ('orange',)
liburu ('book',)
liburua ('a book',)
liburuak ('books',)
Lili ('Lili (LibreLingo Turtle)',)
medikua ('doctor',)
morea ('purple',)
motela ('slow',)
mutila ('boy',)
mutilak ('boys',)
naiz ('am',)
neska ('girl',)
neskaren ("girl's",)
neskak ('girls',)
ni ('I',)
nire ('my',)
nor ('who',)
oilasko ('chicken',)
oilaskoa ('a chicken',)
oilaskoak ('chickens',)
orain ('now',)
polita ('pretty',)
poltsa ('purse',)
poltsak ('purses',)
txakur ('dog',)
txakura ('a dog',)
txakurrak ('dogs',)
txikia ('small',)
txoria ('bird',)
txoriak ('birds',)
urdin ('blue',)
urdina ('blue',)
urdinak ('blue',)
uso ('pigeon',)
usoa ('a pigeon',)
usoak ('pigeons',)
zara ('are',)
zarete ('are',)
zahara ('old',)
zaharra ('old',)
zaldiak ('horses',)
zen ('was',)
zer ('what',)
zu ('you',)
zuek ('you',)
zuen ('your, plural',)
zure ('your',)
zuri ('white',)
zuria ('white',)
zuriak ('white',)