
Id: 21


​Questions 1

Yes/No Questions:

  • The easiest way to make a question is to change the tone to a rising one.
  • Miren zara zu? Are you Miren?

"al" question word

  • Alternatively, you can be a bit more polite/formal and add "al" and ask "Miren al zara zu?"
  • You also need to keep in mind that Basque sentences have the most important pronoun or noun before the verb.
  • So "Zu irakaslea (al) zara?" ("al" optional) means "Are you a teacher?" with irakaslea/teacher stressed.
  • In other words, I thought you were the janitor. :-)
  • "Zu al zara irakaslea?" would be "Are you THE teacher?" with "zu" stressed or I thought the guy in a tie by the desk was the teacher. :-)

Interrogative questions

Interrogative questions (as opposed to yes/no questions) use question words, such as: * Zer (what) and nor/nortzunk (who(single/plural)), and take the form of Question word * verb * subject. * Nor zara zu? Who are you? * Zer zara zu? What are you?

Questions words

The question words specify what kind of question is being asked and include: * Noiz (when) * Nola (how) * Non (where) * Nondik (from where) * Nongoa (of which place) * Nor (who) * Zein (which) * Zenbat (how many) * Zer (what) * Zergatik (why). Some of these words also serve as the names of the noun cases.

Vocabulary Questions 1

  • Zer: what
  • Nor: Who
  • Nortzuk: Who(plural)
  • Autobus: Bus
  • Kotxe: Car
  • Autobusak: Buses
  • Kotxeak: Cars
  • Al: Yes/no question word
  • Edo: Or

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zer what ['what1', 'what2', 'what3']
nor who ['who1', 'who2', 'who3']
nortzuk who(plural),who,who'll ['who1', 'who2', 'who3']
autobus bus ['bus1', 'bus2', 'bus3']
kotxe car,automobile ['car1', 'car2', 'car3']
autobusak buses,busses ['buses1', 'buses2', 'buses3']
kotxeak cars,automobiles ['cars1', 'cars2', 'cars3']
al question_word,yes/no question word None
edo or ['choice1', 'choice2', 'choice3']


Kaixo. Nor zara zu?
Hello. Who are you?
Hi. Who are you?
Zer zara zu?
What are you?
Zu al zara irakaslea?
Al zara irakaslea?
Are you the teacher?
Are you a teacher?
Zu irakaslea edo ikaslea zara?
Irakaslea edo ikaslea zara?
Are you a teacher or a student?
Are you the teacher or the student?
Nor da hura?
Who is he?
Who is she?
Zer da hura?
What is he?
What is she?
What is it?
Hura neska da?
Neska da?
Is she a girl?
Is she the girl?
Hura mutila da?
Mutila da?
Is he a boy?
Is he the boy?
Hura al autobusa da?
Al autobusa da?
Is it the bus?
Is it a bus?
Kotxe al bat ere da.
Is it also a car?
Hura autobusa edo kotxea da?
Autobusa edo kotxea da?
Is it a bus or a car?
Is it the bus or the car?
Nortzuk gara gu?
Nortzuk gara?
Who are we?
Zer gara gu?
Zer gara?
What are we?
Nortzuk zarete zuek?
Nortzuk zarete?
Who are you(plural)?
Who are you?
Who are you'll?
Nortzuk dira haiek?
Who are they?
Zer dira haiek?
Zer dira?
What are they?
Haiek al autobusak dira?
Al autobusak dira?
Are they the buses?
Haiek autobusak edo kotxeak dira?
Autobusak edo kotxeak dira?
Are they buses or cars?
Are they the buses or the cars?
Zer zarete zuek?
Zer zarete?
What are you(plural)?
What are you?
What are you'll?
Zuek al zarete irakasleak?
Al zarete irakasleak?
Are you(plural) teachers?
Are you teachers?
Are you'll teachers?
Nortzuk irakasleak dira?
Who are the teachers?
Nortzuk emakumeak dira?
Who are the women?
Nortzuk gizonak dira?
Who are the men?
Nortzuk dira haiek?
Nortzuk dira?
Who are they?
Haiek emakumeak edo gizonak dira?
Emakumeak edo gizonak dira?
Are they women or men?


a ('-a',)
also ('ere',)
are ('zara', 'gara', 'zarete', 'dira')
boy ('mutila',)
bus ('autobusa',)
buses ('autobusak',)
car ('kotxe',)
cars ('kotxeak',)
girl ('neska',)
he ('hura',)
hello ('kaixo',)
is ('da',)
it ('hura',)
men ('gizonak',)
or ('edo',)
question_word ('al',)
she ('hura',)
teacher ('irakaslea',)
teachers ('irakasleak',)
the ('-a',)
they ('haiek',)
we ('gu',)
what ('zer',)
who ('nor',)
who'll ('nortzuk',)
who(plural) ('nortzuk',)
women ('emakumeak',)
you ('zu',)
you(plural) ('zuek',)
you'll ('zuek',)
al ('question_word',)
autobusa ('a bus',)
bat ('one',)
da ('is',)
dira ('are',)
edo ('or',)
ere ('also',)
emakumeak ('women',)
gara ('are',)
gizonak ('men',)
gu ('we',)
haiek ('they',)
hura ('he', 'she', 'it')
irakaslea ('teacher',)
irakasleak ('teachers',)
kaixo ('hello',)
kotxea ('a car',)
kotxeak ('cars',)
mutila ('boy',)
neska ('a girl',)
nor ('who',)
nortzuk ('who(plural)',)
zara ('are',)
zarete ('are',)
zer ('what',)
zu ('you',)
zuek ('you(plural)', "you'll")